How Abi changed her life for the better

I was living the life of my dreams, or so I thought. I had a successful career, a business I was building, and a family. But everything changed when I asked for a divorce from my former partner. It was the end of my life as I knew it. He made false allegations and took actions that disrupted my career and business developments, which made it incredibly difficult for me to move forward. I struggled with the aftermath of the separation and the impact it had on my mental health, finances, and ability to be a good mother to our children. 

But I knew I had to find a way out of this dark place, and so I turned to the healing powers of nature to recenter myself and regain trust in myself. I learned to forgive myself for mistakes, redefine my purpose and desires, and build confidence in my self-value. I found new ways to express myself that supported my goals and liberated my mind and body from limiting beliefs. I built daily and weekly rituals that helped me stay grounded and connected to myself.

Through this journey, I developed The Abi Method, a brand new coaching formula designed to help others transform their lives through powerful transformational breathwork, long-term sustainable rituals, high-quality natural products, and immersive retreats. 

My aim in sharing part of my story is to inspire others who are going through big life changes or who have survived past trauma to step up and take control of their lives.

As we often feel stuck in painful memories and situations, The Abi Method is a way to create the next step to build self-confidence and make the changes you need to change your life for the better. 

Together, we can create a lifestyle that feels good, supports self-care, and aligns with our values.

If I could do it, I believe you can too!

xx Abi


The Abi Method: How Yin Yoga and Breathwork Can Help Combat the Ageing Effects of Stress


Lorena Corzo - How To Make School Mornings Less Stressful