All About Abi

As a coach it’s not important who I am, or what I did to get here. What matters is that I am here for YOU, putting aside my story, myself to make space for YOU.

To recap my story in a blog post is hard. If it reassures you to see a glimpse of it, to follow my path a little bit here and there to know me a bit better, I will do my best to share it here with you.

I am so happy to see you here and to share my services with you so you can set off on a journey of enlightened freedom and empowered living. I'm Abigail Mary Taugwalder. Just call me Abi.

I'm a Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra instructor, Reiki master, Breath-work facilitator, founder of Empowered Living.

I am also the mother of two teenagers. A European mix I lived in many places while I was modeling and raised my kids in Tokyo for 15years. Currently based in Paris I teach here, host events, join retreats online and in person, following my calling to help other women through my coaching.

As a Mum I know how it feels to put myself last and to struggle with keeping up the energy while caring for the kids and the home and pursuing my personal goals. So I make the best of time and have always combine motherhood and work, starting with my kids online shop Abi Loves I launched in 2009. It was the first international kids e-shop in Japan with hand sustainable picked brands, refusing to dress my kids in fast fashion or having them play with plastic toys made by machines.

With Abi Loves I hosted pop up shops, workshops and festivals to which I invited other mothers in the industry to join forces. Connecting with like minded people and empowering women whilst promoting brands that aligned with care, authenticity and style.

With the flow of life, the kids grow and mothers too. We women we take on a lot and yet, give ourselves little credit. This is why I started to integrate wellness products & rituals to my events for us Mums. One thing led to another before created bespoke wellness experiences in Tokyo ranging from beauty, food, lifestyle and holistic wellness led by coaches, specialists, shamans and Chefs.

As a big dreamer and an idealist I got invited to host a TED Talk on one my dream projects for conscious consumers I called My Organic City on wanting to create a better place for our children and ourselves via an ideal platform where awareness, meets sustainability and business, connected worldwide.

Life truly is made of memories collected. I aim to live inspired as much as possible.

Finding happiness & freedom

I am a strong advocate of authenticity and freedom to live life true to our personal beliefs, on your own terms. My own journey brought me from an emotionally unhealthy situation to regain freedom to live a more self-conscious, slow-paced and peaceful life with my kids, where self-care has weaved itself into the daily routine.

The rituals and the connection to like minded women and inner work propelled me find myself again and to pursue my passion for wellbeing as a coach myself!

This is why I create this container for you to re-connect, relax and rejuvenate so you can tap into your inner power create balance so you can thrive too.

If this resonates, you are in the right place!

My holistic wellness coaching fused in my roots, life experiences, and Asian ancient traditions of energy healing and aromatherapy, as a path of discovering the power of healing energies. You can read more about them on Abi’s Method.

I am eager to share the rituals that led me through transformation and enlightenment and hold space for you. If it is through digital support, group events or personalised coaching you can dive into the practice and let yourself experience the flow of energy yourself - find out how in Services.


LOMO is the new FOMO


The Abi Method Explained