LOMO is the new FOMO

Let's talk FOMO - fear of missing out. It originates from a place of imbalance, when we feel low, jealous, unfulfilled.

In my practice as an Empowerment coach, this can possibly link to the wood element of Traditional Chinese Medicine with possible physical issues in the liver or the gallbladder, big unprocessed life changes which can originate from the personal or professional life. It can come from emotional unresolved trauma or simply the feeling of stress, anger or overwhelm with no solution in sight. A general dissatisfaction creates an imbalance that constantly keeps us on the toes with FOMO.

When we are striving but not achieving and we seek more stimulants, more cortisol all the time - we might possibly be looking for accomplishment in the wrong places. This has negative affects on our wellbeing and interaction with family, friends and colleagues.

On the contrary, when we feel calm, nurtured, self confident and centered we can more easily be present in the moment, be happy and get more out of it.

It all comes down to nurturing self value and with a supporting achievable plan to how we want to lead our life, to what we want to achieve.

When we are at ease we can create moments of introspection and course correct when we find ourselves swept off the ground, scrolling, possibly with the FOMO creeping in.

Implementing a grounding routine like a daily ritual that supports you from the moment we wake up till we go to bed is key to balance and happiness.

With space for flexibility rituals is what keeps us structured, calm, relaxed and promotes space for creativity from where we can expand our vision to see the big picture, make better choices, less driven by reactive emotions and more by soulful moves that brings us to where we want to be, so we can, be more LOMO. love of missing out.

Practicing LOMO is amazing, when we do it not out of fear but out of consciousness,

it makes life so much more joyful

a lightness in our being that translates into our body and expand to all our relationships.

5 tips for you to cultivate LOMO

  1. -in your journal write out what brings you JOY - and smile

  2. -make a plan to implement one or more or all of those things into your life - like an unconditional date with yourself

  3. -cultivate an attitude of gratitude- journal 3 things each morning you are grateful for

  4. -be 100% present in the NOW share the joy with who is present with you - anyone who is not there can wait for you to share your moments of joy later

  5. be okay with not having, doing it all - praise yourself- write down 3 things you praise yourself for in your journal each evening.

Keep it real - keep it light - have fun - be present - mindful - smile often.

xx Abi

You can also read this article on Vogue France (in French)


The Importance Of Me Time And How To Maximise (even as a busy mama)


All About Abi