Can Scent Help Boost Your Immunity?

The power of scent has long been linked to so many positive attributes and there is more and more evidence evolving that scents can help us in many areas of life, particularly immunity.

With the current climate of the world and winter upon us, we wanted to share some ways in which scents can support immunity and some essential oils to do so.

Apart from the fact that essential oils can have antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial properties, in turn, cleansing the air or aiding when applied topically, they can also promote calm and aid the body in getting rid of stress and toxins, therefore boosting immunity (because we all know stress wreaks havoc on immune systems!)

Remembering that wellbeing is always a multi-pronged approach, essential oils are definitely a key piece of the puzzle when looking at overall wellness. The power of scent is incredible and why not incorporate scent into your ritual to not only optimise overall wellbeing, but give your immune system a natural boost?

Essential oils for immunity: 


Apart from the fact that lemon boats amazing antibacterial properties, its citrusy scent is also a natural mood enhancer, promoting oxytocin and allowing your cells to dance and therefore develop a positive immune response. 


That beautiful eucalyptus scent isn’t just easy on the nose, this Australian native does wonders for your respiratory system and also works as a natural decongestant.


It’s a no-brainer that lavender is on this list! The dreamiest essential oil to promote sleep, and in turn allow your immune system to continue building its defences. This beautiful scent is a win-win!


Bergamot has incredible antibacterial properties that not only help heal conditions and infections but can aid in preventing them too!


Frankincense is quite an ancient essential oil that has been used in healing for many many years. Apart from its rich aroma, it is said to have immune-boosting properties, can aid respiratory issues and help fight off germs. Making it a welcome addition to many blends!


Clove boasts some of the highest antibacterial levels out of all the essential oils! It’s a triple threat to immunity given that its antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal combination makes it a wonder for cleansing the air and ridding it of any pesky germs lingering. 

As you can see, there are so many incredible essential oils to help naturally boost immunity, and there are so many ways to incorporate them into your rituals, from rolling them topically on the skin to using a carrier oil as a massage lotion, to diffusing and inhaling - head to Asagiri Beauty for a custom immunity blend, tailored to you.


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