I’ve been from writing in my personal notebook to sharing stories with my community. Find here the people & brands I connect with. But also rituals, and tips to make your life a beautiful sanctuary.
The Art Of Letting Go
Letting go is something we often all struggle with, in so many ways. In our relationships, in our relationship with self, with our feelings, physical and emotional attachment to people, places, objects, holding onto behavioural patterns or negative thinking, perhaps a habit or activity that no longer serves us.
Can Scent Help Boost Your Immunity?
The power of scent has long been linked to so many positive attributes and there is more and more evidence evolving that scents can help us in many areas of life, particularly immunity. With the current climate of the world and winter upon us, we wanted to share some ways in which scents can support immunity and some essential oils to do so.
Low Libido?
Low libido? Let’s talk about sex - are you rolling your eyes? Already exhausted by the sheer thought of it? I hear you!
Shall we wind it down a bit? You most likely have a low sex drive, because of some or many of these causes.
How To Cultivate Self-Love
During the week of love, self-love came up in the chat with the amazing women in my community. Did you know that only 2% of us women love, like, accept...their body?!!! That makes 98% who shrink by the sight of their reflection in the mirror, who avoid swimwear, shorts and tight clothes, who cultivate negative talk while layering on creams and make up....I feel very shocked by this and called to elevate this number. Who's with me?
Creating Stillness
Coming into stillness can be hard (currently going through my to do list) We are not used to it! We are used to being busy, keeping our layers on, distracted by the 'noises' in life, until nightfall and everything becomes still. Then we are happy to have a drink or two, swallow a pill or tune into a sleep app for rescue to help switch off the light and the mind. It is very common to experience sleep disorder in times of restlessness and change. Waking up at 4am? This is the life many of us recognise, we call normal.
The Importance Of Me Time And How To Maximise (even as a busy mama)
Me time, self care, time out, mama moments, Netflix and chill - whatever you want to call it, however you want to spin it, it all has one thing in common; how important it is. As partners, as friends, as mothers, as colleagues, as entrepreneurs, as women, we’re all burning the candle at both ends, too often.
The Abi Method Explained
The secret of life is in your rituals. As patterns are designed by society, rituals are designed by you: take charge, take up space, equip yourself to empower yourself. Embrace the fact that you can change, when you commit the time to YOU.
Transform your life by designing your personal rituals using Abi’s Method.
Reflect in your journal
Journaling is a tool to let it out – to change perspective – to practice gratitude and praise . It is a seriously handy tool available to you at any time. The best is to identify what you are lacking and work on it.
For example when I went through big life changes, I noticed more the negative things in life. Noticing this pattern allowed me to steer my intention and attention in more positive directions.
How To Regulate Hormonal, Physical and Emotional shifts during the Moon Cycle
As human beings, we are so interconnected with the Earth, the energy and each other. Part of this connectedness is with the moon, the moon cycle reminds us of the cycle of life, the ebbs and flows of being and spectacularly, the beauty in the darkness. Cycles are a part of so many aspects of life (even the seasons are a cycle!) and they teach us about flow, tuning into each part, and acceptance and letting go.
relax and reconnect to yourself with Japanese Bathing Rituals
One thing I really miss from having lived in Japan many years are the bathing rituals. Even the ones at home are very relaxing. What makes them special is the mindset.
My boundaries are clear
Boundaries are imaginary lines that separates me from you. They separate your physical space, your feelings, needs, and responsibilities from others. Boundaries also tell other people how they can treat you – what’s acceptable and what isn’t.
Opening the Heart: A Journey to Self-Love and Nervous System Balance
Our chakras are energy centers—vortexes of spinning energy that shape our emotions, thoughts, and well-being. The heart chakra, or Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth primary chakra, located at the center of the chest. It is the bridge between our lower (physical) and upper (spiritual) chakras, the space where love, compassion, and healing reside.