Nurturing wellbeing with GreenMa tea

In conversation with cecile, founder of greenma teas

How do I start and end the day? For me it was part of daily rituals. Black tea scents in the morning, and a relaxing herbal tea for the evening. With seasonal visits to the herbalist for tinctures and mixtures of herbs, I discovered GreenMa where I find a selection of tastes for all occasions and needs of well-being while staying at home.

Quality, design and comforting scents. The founder Cecile Cohen, has values that I find myself in: consumption according to the seasons, the well-being of the interior, recycling …

Take your cup of tea and discover the life of GreenMa through Cecile’s eyes.

I read that you took the opportunity to become a mom to question yourself, to find meaning and to align yourself with your values. This is what happened to me too, especially depending on the beauty products. Can you tell us a little more about this revelation? Yes, motherhood is a special moment that makes you think. Having a child makes us more demanding and demanding in terms of the products we put on our skin and ingest. I had this desire in me to start a business for a long time and I had already done it before my son (I had launched children’s books with a friend). A year-long process of introspection, reflection to create GreenMa and be aligned with my professional project.

What was your first blend of tea or herbal tea and why did you choose the ingredients? The first infusion mix was ‘Magic’, my darling from the start. It was developed with an adorable herbalist from Lyon who studied medical plants in Lyon. All the ingredients are organic and 100% French. The base is rosemary and peppermint and we have thyme (it looks like thyme) for the antiseptic side, magnificent marshmallow flowers for their expectorant properties and Scots pine buds which give a very fresh and invigorating taste to this mixture. This infusion is a great jar of air when you open the jar and it even received the Epicure d’Or prize last year!

Your reasons and your values that make GreenMa are true and honorable. I would like to know what was the most difficult in this realization? I don’t find it difficult to include values that are important to us in his business. On the contrary, it is even essential to carry your business and have energy every morning to go to work!

Can you share your wellness ritual with us? I like to get up early, feel the house asleep and take my time. I drink a tea or infusion and I make a Kundalini Yoga krya. This yoga was a revelation two years ago.

Where can we find GreenMa? You can find GreenMa of course on our e-shop but also in super establishments in France, engaged like Altermundi, delicatessens, organic stores and larger stores like Zodio. You can also find GreenMa on Instagram here.


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