The Importance Of Me Time And How To Maximise (even as a busy mama)

Me time, self care, time out, mama moments, Netflix and chill - whatever you want to call it, however you want to spin it, it all has one thing in common; how important it is. As partners, as friends, as mothers, as colleagues, as entrepreneurs, as women, we’re all burning the candle at both ends, too often. We put so much into our relationship with others and if we don’t fill up our own cup and focus on our relationship with ourselves, we can’t and won’t be our best versions. But me time is crucial in living our best lives and being our best selves and we need to learn to consciously carve out the space for it (and not feel guilty about it!)

Some days (and also, weeks / months / years!) can feel so busy, but no matter what season of life we are in we need to consciously carve out some time from the busyness (both self imposed and externally placed) to be present, go inwards and tune into what we need. This allows us to show up as the best version of ourselves, it allows us to demonstrate to others that self care should be prioritised and it allows us to maintain our overall health and wellbeing; both physically and mentally.

Today on The Journal we’re delving into 10 ways to carve out some me time on the daily. Some days you will feel like some things more than others, the key is to go inward, listen to what your body and soul are asking for and let them guide you. Take what you need, tweak any of the below or combine a few to best suit your needs and lifestyle and see how often and how many times you can carve out time for any / all of the below.

Get that water flowing, the bath salts in, the candle lit and your beautiful self into the tub. Make a date with yourself, and let’s normalise bath culture! It doesn’t have to be a big elaborate ritual, it can be as simple as drawing a bath, lighting your favourite candle and sitting in your favourite salts / bath soak for 15 minutes. Let the bath work its two fold magic by relaxing your mind and muscles. Can’t you just feel the bliss already?

We all know how healing nature is! Aim to get out in nature as often as you can, even if you live in a big city, there is always nature to be found. And if not, meditate and visualise being on a beach or in a park surrounded by greenery. Mother Nature really is magical and the impact she can have on your mental and physical wellbeing is indisputable.

Often we’re so busy that the first thing that takes a beating is sleep, we happily cut into our rest time to finish work or tidy up after the kids. We get it, life’s busy. But if you’re not getting your zzzz’s, it all eventually catches up with you. Sleep isn’t just about rest, it’s a time that our bodies need to let their inner workings do their thang! While we sleep, our internal systems are working overtime to digest, rejuvenate and keep us thriving. So, next time you think about pushing that bed time further and further, stop and remind yourself that in fact - sleep is, actually self care!

Just 15 minutes a day can make all the difference. By consciously carving out a minimum of 15 minutes (we prefer mornings!) of movement a day, you’re showing up for your body (and mind!) and even if it doesn’t feel like it, it’s actually a form of self care. By getting yourself to that mat, you’re showing up for you and isn’t that the definition of me time?! Join us for Abi’s PJ Yoga [INSERT LINK] every morning and before your day has really even begun, you’ve already ticked a moment of me time off the list!

It might sound silly but even just carving out a few minutes to breathe is a time out and an internal reboot. The best part about breath work? You can do it at home, in the park, at your desk, in the car (as long as you’re not driving!), on the subway, while you’re waiting for the kids… you name it, you have it available to you at any time. Join The Weekly Membership [INSERT LINK] and get access to Abi’s breath work coaching.

Sometimes, self care involves listening to your body. Sitting with yourself, in meditation or just a moment to stop and check in, and feeling where you’re holding tension, where there is a build up of energy and consciously carve out the time to shift it. There are many ways you could do this, lie down on your yoga mat or bed with closed eyes and relaxing body part by body part with breath, perhaps it’s a gentle stretching flow, a massage or maybe it’s dancing around the house and letting the music move through you.

Me time doesn’t have to be sedentary or reflective, it can be anything of your choosing that lights you up. Perhaps you love pottery? Or painting? Dancing around the house in your underwear? Singing in the shower? Shopping? There is no right or wrong here! Anything that lights your fire, anything that you’re drawn to, no matter what it is, can be a form of self care. So get your self discovery on and let your passions guide you, if there is something that piques your interest - follow that to some blissful moments of me time.

Self care can also be a moment to escape, put an episode of your favourite show or a feel good movie on and just get lost in it, the same applies for reading a good book. Sometimes switching off is just what we need to fill up our cup.

Taking a moment to take your shoes off and get those tootsies barefoot on Mother Earth can be a profound moment of me time and the impact it can have is so powerful. Take a moment to ground yourself, anchor into the Earth, close your eyes and feel the vibrations running through you.

Oftentimes, we are so in our heads living in the past with the ‘shoulda, woulda, couldas’ or future tripping into anxiety. Journalling is a form of self care because it’s getting everything out of your head and onto the paper in front of you. Sometimes that action alone can alleviate so much stress, there’s something really cathartic about getting out of your own way and it can help cut off a negative thought pattern cycle. Your journals are yours, there for you, you can share your fears, concerns, proudest moments, future dreams, manifestations, and anything you want.

We’d love you to add to this list! Share in the comments below your favourite way to carve out some me time and let’s keep this self love conversation going! Remember that our mind always goes to the reasons why we can’t do something - why we’re too busy / too stressed / too needed / too _____ (insert blank here!) but, even amongst the busiest of weeks, we can carve out 5 minutes to ourselves. And, we need to remind ourselves over and over the importance of this!


Creating Stillness


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