How To Regulate Hormonal, Physical and Emotional shifts during the Moon Cycle

As human beings, we are so interconnected with the Earth, the energy and each other. Part of this connectedness is with the moon, the moon cycle reminds us of the cycle of life, the ebbs and flows of being and spectacularly, the beauty in the darkness. Cycles are a part of so many aspects of life (even the seasons are a cycle!) and they teach us about flow, tuning into each part, and acceptance and letting go.

The moon cycle is made up of four phases: Waning Moon, New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, all four of which are related to our menstrual cycle: Luteal Phase, Menstrual Phase, Follicular phase, Ovulatory Phase. If your period arrives in time with the New Moon it is a ‘White Moon Cycle’ or if your period arrives with the Full Moon it is a ‘Red Moon Cycle’.

The moon cycle and its phases can leave us feeling imbalanced in terms of our hormones, our physical body and our emotions. The key to finding ease and balance throughout the moon cycle is honouring the phases of the cycle, moving through with ease and gentleness and knowing that each phase - like everything in life - is temporary. Remain open to and listen to your body and what it’s trying to tell you during each phase, keep you rituals going and accept the phase you’re in for what it is by honouring the activity or rest that your body is asking of you.

Yin Yoga is an incredible practice to regulate hormones, balance your physical body and ease emotional imbalance. I would love for you to join me for PJ Yoga to heal, restore, nurture and balance your endocrine system (hormones), your muscles and joints (physical) and nervous system (emotions).

Yin Yoga is an incredible practice to regulate hormones, balance your physical body and ease emotional imbalance. I would love for you to join me for PJ Yoga to heal, restore, nurture and balance your endocrine system (hormones), your muscles and joints (physical) and nervous system (emotions).

Below I share some tips of how to regulate your hormones, rebalance physically and look after your emotions when everything feels out of balance.

Hormonal balance Hormones are incredibly in-tune with the moon cycle and can have such an impact on how we feel physically, emotionally, energetically. During times of hormonal imbalance:

  • Take evening primrose oil 2 weeks after menstruation
  • Drink raspberry leaf tea as part of your morning or evening ritual 2 weeks prior
  • Apply essential oils specifically for hormonal balance and recharge: clary sage, jasmine, lavender.
  • If experiencing hot flushes, jump in the shower beginning and ending with cold water
  • Reduce commitments and activities where you are required to be ‘on’, rather embrace a slow, restful, mindful schedule

Physical balance Our physical body isn’t linear and physical symptoms, ailments or strength can wane with the moon and its cycles. You may find that at certain times of your cycle you have more energy to exercise, more breath for endurance or less motivation and strength to move your body. During times of physical imbalance:

  • Physical imbalance can manifest in the form of headaches, engage in deep belly breathing, with a warm flannel and essential oil blend wafting over your face while lying in a dark room
  • When you are experiencing a physical imbalance, it is important to hydrate and rest to re-set your yin and yang
  • Infrared saunas are an incredible tool for physical balance and healing
  • Move your body; when feeling imbalanced physically commit to a regular yin yoga practice such as PJ Yoga to regulate
  • Activate healing via heat and water by jumping in a warm shower and letting the combination of the temperature and the water pressure heal and sooth your body
  • Ground yourself by letting your bare feet touch the ground beneath you, or outside with the sand or grass and tune into the physical anchoring of your body
  • Massage can be an incredible tool in healing physical imbalance
  • If you are experiencing physical pain, aspirin and a hot water bottle are your best friends

Emotional balance During times of emotional imbalance: The moon cycle can have our emotions all over the place, which is all normal and all part of the process. We are so connected with the energy around us that it is normal for our emotions to be influx. Continue your journalling ritual and during all phases of the moon cycle write what comes up for you. When you’re feeling low and your emotions are set at a low vibration, write about what you want to get rid of, things / thoughts / energies /habits and set the intention of letting go with gratitude. As your energy shifts and your emotions begin vibrating higher, write down what you want more of, what you want to call in, your deepest desires and vizualise with positivity.

Moon cycle affirmations Here are 15 affirmations to use during your moon cycle:

  • I am calling into my life all that aligns with my highest power
  • I am vibrating at a high frequency
  • I am worthy and deserving
  • I am in tune with my body and its needs
  • I am gentle with myself
  • I am compassionate to others
  • I let love move through me
  • I have the power to call in my greatest desires
  • I am working with the Universe
  • I invite all forms of abundance into my life
  • I release negative thought patterns and habit
  • I choose to focus on the good
  • I release anything that does not serve me
  • I am divinely supported
  • I have the power to shape my reality

Learning about and delving deeper into the moon and its cycle, and how that manifests for ourselves with our seasons and cycle can take time but by leaning in, listening to your body and being more attune with the moon and its energy you’ll learn more about what your physical, hormonal and emotional needs are, how to tune in, and what to implement to respect and thrive throughout each stage.

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Abi’s Journal is a place where Abi shares the stories of people she meets, tips about wellness, and rituals. She lived 15 years in Japan and currently lives in Paris. Abi created The Abi Method, membership access to a 24/7 library of yin yoga, power yin yoga, meditation, and breathwork videos. By enrolling, you will be part of a community of forward-thinking women, dedicated to working on themselves, to feel happier and in better health.

Book a private session with Abi or become a member.


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