I’ve been from writing in my personal notebook to sharing stories with my community. Find here the people & brands I connect with. But also rituals, and tips to make your life a beautiful sanctuary.

Reflect in  your journal
Wellness Abigail Taugwalder Wellness Abigail Taugwalder

Reflect in your journal

Journaling is a tool to let it out – to change perspective – to practice gratitude and praise . It is a seriously handy tool available to you at any time. The best is to identify what you are lacking and work on it.

For example when I went through big life changes, I noticed more the negative things in life. Noticing this pattern allowed me to steer my intention and attention in more positive directions.

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How To Regulate Hormonal, Physical and Emotional shifts during the Moon Cycle
Wellness Abigail Taugwalder Wellness Abigail Taugwalder

How To Regulate Hormonal, Physical and Emotional shifts during the Moon Cycle

As human beings, we are so interconnected with the Earth, the energy and each other. Part of this connectedness is with the moon, the moon cycle reminds us of the cycle of life, the ebbs and flows of being and spectacularly, the beauty in the darkness. Cycles are a part of so many aspects of life (even the seasons are a cycle!) and they teach us about flow, tuning into each part, and acceptance and letting go.

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The Power Of Scent
Wellness Abigail Taugwalder Wellness Abigail Taugwalder

The Power Of Scent

Scent has a very powerful impact on our state of mind. It is more than a smell. It is a memory that becomes ingrained in our memory. The chemicals of the smell are absorbed by our bloodstream and affect our nervous system directly, and in different ways depending on the property of the scent

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