Reflect in your journal

Journaling is a tool to let it out – to change perspective – to practice gratitude and praise . It is a seriously handy tool available to you at any time. The best is to identify what you are lacking and work on it.

For example when I went through big life changes, I noticed more the negative things in life. Noticing this pattern allowed me to steer my intention and attention in more positive directions.

Journaling is a means of & letting it out’. If it is anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety, heartache or simply a thread of thoughts. Writing them out with a pen, will get them out of your brain, out of your system, and create a gap where you can reflect, observe, change perspective or simply just let it be.

Handwriting increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, similar to meditation. It sharpens the brain and helps us learn and process emotions.

The act of expressing emotions through writing has been shown to engage many capabilities associated with emotional intelligence.

While you are journaling, you are fully present. Concentration is in your written expression allowing you to be fully present in the moment. Just like meditation.

  • If you are feeling blue, start a gratitude journal. Write three things you are grateful for every day, first thing in the morning. It set you up on a positive foot for the day.
  • If you feel that you are not enough, keep a praise journal. Round up your day with your journal, listing all the positive things you did today. It will be awareness to how much you are actually doing and give a sense of contempt.
  • If you are angry, resentful, vengeful. Write out all the words that boil up inside of you. Swear, accuse and more. Let it out! The more anger we keep inside of us the more likely we blow a fuse in an inappropriate moment, or we make ourselves sick.
  • If you are in love. Write these day dreams out and live them our in your dreams until you find the right words and time to share them with the person. Or simply keep them to yourself.
  • If you feel lost in the moment, in your work or else where. All these questions that you are asking yourself are a great way to start journaling. The more often you will write them out the clearer the situation will become. Remember to give yourself space and time. Nothing good ever came from rushing things.
  • If you are a Yin person like me and feel you do need to speed up some things in life though, use your journal as a strategy plan. Start with the biggest goal in sight. Where do you see yourself in 3 or 5 years. Then bring it closer to the date. In one year, in six months until you have a 3 months plan and possibly a weekly schedule that supports your dreams.
  • If you are nothing from above, scribble, draw, glue, stick, write, colour your journal as you please, when you please. It will be a book memories you can pick up in the future with a smile.
  • The time that is right is when it weaves into your routine without having to be on your to do list.
  • Journal when you wake up, while your kettle is boiling.
  • Journal at the end of a busy day, or before going to bed.
  • Journal after your yoga, breathwork or fitness class. For me Yin yoga can bring up emotions stored deep inside of me. It’s an excellent time to reach to the journal to write down thoughts. It helps me process them, get them out of my system to let them go, and make space for a peace of mind.

Remember consistency is key to change. Set yourself a time each day to pick up your pen and write. Some days you might be inspired and write for 10’ straight and one some days you’ll content yourself to gratitude or praise. Be kind to your self and avoid judging.

Journaling evokes mindfulness and helps writes keep perspective of what’s happening in their life, and this is exactly why it’s part of the Abi Method

Ready to start your journaling? Order your journal here.

Looking for some inspo? Get your FREE journaling prompts here.

Learn how to make journaling your ritual - join empowered living facebook page

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Abi’s Journal is a place where Abi shares the stories of people she meets, tips about wellness, and rituals. She lived 15 years in Japan and currently lives in Paris. Abi created The Abi Method, membership access to a 24/7 library of yin yoga, power yin yoga, meditation, and breathwork videos. By enrolling, you will be part of a community of forward-thinking women, dedicated to working on themselves, to feel happier and in better health.

Book a private session with Abi or become a member.


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